Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Ling En Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Twinnies Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Wow! It's been 2 years plus since I blog. Super busy with 3 kids!

Ling En is already in N2 this year and Twinnies are turning 2 next month!

Times really flies fast.. I will try to blog if I got time. haha.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Last day of 2013!

Time really flies... So fast, it's the last day of 2013. It was just like yesterday that I blog on the last day of 2012.. Lol! Another year older and it seems like I didn't achieve much things this year..

But I got a big surprise this year!

Twinnies in my tummy (12 weeks)

I'm expecting TWINS! Never in my dreams did I expect I would have twins. After my gynae told me and hubby, we were both stunned. Lol! I'm now in my 30 weeks. Their EDD is on 11 Mar 2014. But I think they would be out earlier. My tummy is getting heavier and super duper big now. People are asking me if I am going to give birth soon. hahahaha... Both are gals! So I will have 3 princesses. haha..
En En celebrated her 1st b'day on 15 Sep (Sun) at Kor's condo. Here are some photos of the party!
En's cake
I specially designed and made this cake for En's 1st birthday party! Love the ladybug and butterflies!
Family photo!
Posing before singing birthday song!

With hubby's family!

With my family!
With Uncle James family!

With Crappies family!

Some group photos with families and friends! Thanks all for coming and celebrating with En! She's the most happy gal on that day! Lots of presents and angbaos and kisses from everyone!

Before I end my post, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and all the best for 2014!!

Updates! (Backdated Post)

I just realised I blog half way and saved as draft. Lol! -.-'''' Let me post it now though it seems uncompleted. hahahaha..

So long never blog le. Thought I will just update abit.

My baobei is now 10 months old! Time really flies so fast! Another 2 months and she will be 1 years old. And I haven't prepare anything yet. Jia lat!! I'm really a lazy mummy! Lol!

10 months old! With a ba lu gu on her head! Poor baby!
My poor baby had a big blue black on her forehead after knocking her head on the floor. What a thing to happen on her 10 months! Poor gal! Mummy so heart pain after seeing the super big ba lu gu!

All about my pretty baobei!
Mummy's super favourite photo!! All so nicely taken! Wahahaha! (Compliment myself. BHB. Lol!)

Daddy and baobei!
Daddy insisted me to upload this pic to facebook! hahaha..

Mother's Day Flower!
My first mother's day flower from my darling baobei & daddy!! So happy!

Us with the pretty bride!
Attended Adrian & Sihui's wedding. I was the MC that night! hehe..

Monday, March 25, 2013

6 months old

My baobei is 6 months old already. But on that day, she fall sick. Cough, flu, fever came and find her. Poor thing..

Poor baobei and her medicine
This is the 2nd time she has fallen sick since she was born. There were 6 different types of medicines for her (The fever med was not included in the pic). Feeding medicine is the worst time for both me and her. Every time when we have to feed her the med, she will struggle and push and cry till no voice. We were so scared that she would choke on the medicine. But no choice still have to feed her. Haiz.. There was once we add the medicine into her milk. But all she took was only one slip and she know the difference. End up she push away and reject the whole bottle. Haiz. But if it was me, I would also reject. See the difference below.

White - Original milk. Pink - Milk + Med.
You see... Even the colour change until become strawberry milk. How to drink like that.. Poor gal..
Night time was a nightmare. She keep whining and don't want to sleep. I almost went crazy coz I was so tired. She would also keep waking up in the middle of the night. I didn't know what I was sleeping, it seems like I never slept at all. By the 3rd day I return to work, I was so tired that I keep dozing off in office. I started to have sore throat and slowly flu came to find me. I caught the virus from her. Sick and still have to look after her. Worst time of my life. Luckily my mil helped me with her whining. If not think I really go crazy. A few times I scolded her. But I think she don't understand coz she continued to whine and scream and cry. hahaha. Opps. So bad of me.

Up to now, she's still sick. But she's better than the 1st day. Hopefully she can recover soon then I won't have such a bad time. Pray hard.

Lesson learnt: Don't ever let your child get sick, it's the worst time of your life.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Other episodes of Baobei

Here are some snapshots of my baobei..

She loves to sleep with her hands covering her eyes. As if she's telling me to off the lights please, I wana SLP!! haha
Mummy and baobei!
Some photo collages of my gal!

Happy pics of my gal!

Mummy and Baobei again!

First family pic!

First taste of food!!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Poor baobei having fever

Baobei well and up again!

A lazy pic to end off the post! See you all again!!

Growing Up

Time really flies.. It feels like I just gave birth not long ago and now my baobei is going to be 6 months old! Very soon, I have to start planning for her 1 year old birthday party!

She's growing up day by day. When I look back at her pictures when she was younger, she really change alot. No wonder ppl say babies grow up very fast, enjoy every moment with them whenever you can.

Some photos of her..

4 weeks old

5 weeks old
6 weeks old

7 weeks old

2 months old

8 weeks old

9 weeks old
10 weeks old

11 weeks old
12 weeks old

3 months old

14 weeks old
15 weeks old

16 weeks old

4 months old

4th month old (Lunar calendar)

18 weeks old
5 months old
Really can see the difference of her growing up. Shall post more photos another time!