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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Growing Up

Time really flies.. It feels like I just gave birth not long ago and now my baobei is going to be 6 months old! Very soon, I have to start planning for her 1 year old birthday party!

She's growing up day by day. When I look back at her pictures when she was younger, she really change alot. No wonder ppl say babies grow up very fast, enjoy every moment with them whenever you can.

Some photos of her..

4 weeks old

5 weeks old
6 weeks old

7 weeks old

2 months old

8 weeks old

9 weeks old
10 weeks old

11 weeks old
12 weeks old

3 months old

14 weeks old
15 weeks old

16 weeks old

4 months old

4th month old (Lunar calendar)

18 weeks old
5 months old
Really can see the difference of her growing up. Shall post more photos another time!

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