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Monday, March 25, 2013

6 months old

My baobei is 6 months old already. But on that day, she fall sick. Cough, flu, fever came and find her. Poor thing..

Poor baobei and her medicine
This is the 2nd time she has fallen sick since she was born. There were 6 different types of medicines for her (The fever med was not included in the pic). Feeding medicine is the worst time for both me and her. Every time when we have to feed her the med, she will struggle and push and cry till no voice. We were so scared that she would choke on the medicine. But no choice still have to feed her. Haiz.. There was once we add the medicine into her milk. But all she took was only one slip and she know the difference. End up she push away and reject the whole bottle. Haiz. But if it was me, I would also reject. See the difference below.

White - Original milk. Pink - Milk + Med.
You see... Even the colour change until become strawberry milk. How to drink like that.. Poor gal..
Night time was a nightmare. She keep whining and don't want to sleep. I almost went crazy coz I was so tired. She would also keep waking up in the middle of the night. I didn't know what I was sleeping, it seems like I never slept at all. By the 3rd day I return to work, I was so tired that I keep dozing off in office. I started to have sore throat and slowly flu came to find me. I caught the virus from her. Sick and still have to look after her. Worst time of my life. Luckily my mil helped me with her whining. If not think I really go crazy. A few times I scolded her. But I think she don't understand coz she continued to whine and scream and cry. hahaha. Opps. So bad of me.

Up to now, she's still sick. But she's better than the 1st day. Hopefully she can recover soon then I won't have such a bad time. Pray hard.

Lesson learnt: Don't ever let your child get sick, it's the worst time of your life.

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