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Monday, December 30, 2013

Updates! (Backdated Post)

I just realised I blog half way and saved as draft. Lol! -.-'''' Let me post it now though it seems uncompleted. hahahaha..

So long never blog le. Thought I will just update abit.

My baobei is now 10 months old! Time really flies so fast! Another 2 months and she will be 1 years old. And I haven't prepare anything yet. Jia lat!! I'm really a lazy mummy! Lol!

10 months old! With a ba lu gu on her head! Poor baby!
My poor baby had a big blue black on her forehead after knocking her head on the floor. What a thing to happen on her 10 months! Poor gal! Mummy so heart pain after seeing the super big ba lu gu!

All about my pretty baobei!
Mummy's super favourite photo!! All so nicely taken! Wahahaha! (Compliment myself. BHB. Lol!)

Daddy and baobei!
Daddy insisted me to upload this pic to facebook! hahaha..

Mother's Day Flower!
My first mother's day flower from my darling baobei & daddy!! So happy!

Us with the pretty bride!
Attended Adrian & Sihui's wedding. I was the MC that night! hehe..

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