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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Mothers' Day!

I know I'm super late in posting this post but I can't miss posting it.
Coz my dear gave me a mothers' day flower! Lol! So sweet of him! Love him forever! *muack*

My pink rose!
A small message for him (although I know he won't be reading my blog. -.-"")
*Thanks dear for the flower and the patience you have been giving me these 5 months. I know I've been behaving like a spoiled kid and demanding you to give in to me every time. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you (*wink* leg cramp) and understanding my needs every time (whenever I wanted to eat or drink something, you would buy it for me). I love you and appreciate the things you have done for me. *muack* Thanks for reading bedtime stories to our little baobei every night. She loves to listen to you. Every time you are going to read to her, she would kick my tummy. hehe. And I think that gives you the motivation to read to her every night even though you are so tired. I'm so proud of you. Love you!

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