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Friday, May 4, 2012


I've managed to get the photos from my iphone. Ta-da...

7 weeks (Just a small white dot and large water bag)
11 weeks (Can see the shape already!)
12 weeks (During oscar scan, zoom in version)
12 weeks (Head version with the 2 hands - so cute!)
15 weeks (Meditating in a super comfy position, don't want to let mummy see if it's a boy or gal)
Haha, after seeing all these photos, have you guess what's it all about? It's not me inside my mum's tummy.
Yes, that's right! It's me! I'm pregnant! hahaha.. And I'm now 20 weeks, going for my 5th month detail scan on 7 May (Mon). Hopefully baby won't cross leg and let me see if it's a boy or gal. haha.. I'll update next week and post the scan photos. hehe.

I've had my first leg cramp on 28 April. I was sleeping soundly on my left side when I tried to turn to sleep on my back. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain and the next moment I knew, I was shouting in pain. My husband jumped up in shock beside me and ask me what's wrong. I only said 'PAIN, PAIN'. And he was massaging my leg for me. Immediately, I felt so much better. But after that, I was crying. haha. so lame.I think the sharp pain is too much for me to bear. haha. The next day, I was experiencing muscle ache like I have ran 10km. So pain, and I was limping in the morning after I woke up. Terrible! Hopefully the next cramp won't come so fast. Lol!

Last night I realize my feet was swollen! OMG! So fast my feet swollen! Immediately, I took out my extra pillow and stack my leg on it. Luckily, in the morning my feet went back to it's almost original size. haha. So scary sia! Other pregnant woman only got swollen feet in their 3rd trimester. Me too fast.. I cannot take it! hahahaha.

I think I can feel my baby moving inside or kicking me. But I'm not sure if it's the baby moving or just my muscle contracting. Lol! Wait for a few more weeks to confirm. hahahaha...

That's all for now. Enjoy the super long post that was long over due! haha. Oh, by the way, my EDD is 16 September 2012. Same b'day as my husband. hahaha.

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