Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Ling En Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Twinnies Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wedding at St Regis Hotel

I just attended a primary school mate's wedding lunch at St Regis Hotel on 12 May. This is my first time going to a 6 star hotel! I was abit shocked when the presentation of the food were served. It was fine dining style. Totally different from the numerous wedding lunch and dinner I had been to. Everybody was busy taking photos of the venue and the food! Lol!

Congrats to Jonathan and Elisa!
Super nice ballroom with nice cutlery

9 course lunch
Me & dear posing at the stairs!
I thought such fine dining foods would not fulfill my growing tummy. But who knows I'm so full at the end of the whole luncheon. haha. And it's nice food! hehe.

Ladies Gathering

Arranged a meet-up with my besties on 14 May (mon afternoon). We all applied for half day PM leave and went for lunch, high-tea and dinner! It was so much fun! hahaa.

We went to Tung Lok at Vivocity for dim sum! The dim sum was nice, but I forgot to take photos. My bestie bought along her son, little cute Ashton! We had great fun playing with him. hehe.

We went to shop around a little bit and went for high-tea at a cake shop (forgot the name). haha. But I took photos this time round.

Yummy strawberry and mango cake
Delicious banana and chocolate cake
Ashton smiling happily
Afterwhich, Pamela joined us after her work and we went to have dinner at Sushi-Tei.
What a satisfied and fulfilling day!

Happy Mothers' Day!

I know I'm super late in posting this post but I can't miss posting it.
Coz my dear gave me a mothers' day flower! Lol! So sweet of him! Love him forever! *muack*

My pink rose!
A small message for him (although I know he won't be reading my blog. -.-"")
*Thanks dear for the flower and the patience you have been giving me these 5 months. I know I've been behaving like a spoiled kid and demanding you to give in to me every time. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you (*wink* leg cramp) and understanding my needs every time (whenever I wanted to eat or drink something, you would buy it for me). I love you and appreciate the things you have done for me. *muack* Thanks for reading bedtime stories to our little baobei every night. She loves to listen to you. Every time you are going to read to her, she would kick my tummy. hehe. And I think that gives you the motivation to read to her every night even though you are so tired. I'm so proud of you. Love you!

Dinner with dear

I was having dinner with dear at Bugis the other day. Forgot the shop name, but it was a very famous shop selling fish soup beehoon. We waited for 20 minutes before we got seats. Super long queue although it was already 8 plus. We ordered curry fish head and salted egg pork ribs as usual. haha. We simply love the curry! It's the best fish head curry I've eaten so far! The sauce is thick and spicy! Only one word to describe 'SHIOK!' hahahaha. As I'm typing this post, I'm thinking of the curry and salivating. Lol! Pictures say more than words! Check it out below!

Super yummy curry fish head! *slurp*

Delicious salted egg pork ribs
That concludes our super fulfilling dinner! *blurp*

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 month detail scan

I went for my 5th month detail scan on 7 May (Mon). The scan took 1 and half hours to complete. I almost fall asleep on the bed. hahaha. Everything is normal for baby and me. hehe. Now the most exciting part. Guess the gender of the baby. haha. Unfortunately baby close leg again. But the pax who help me to scan said 70 - 80% is a girl. Lol! The nurse ask me not to buy too many baby clothes, next scan then double confirm again. hahaha.
Baby at 21 weeks
Close-up version of baby's head
Halfway through the scan, baby move. The next moment we saw one whole row of skeleton. I thought what was that! It turned out to be baby's spine. It was our first time seeing another version of baby. Suddenly I was so excited. Lol! Turns out that baby was flipping inside my tummy. So funny. Since baby is now facing downwards, the legs are close together like baby's snorkeling under the water. hahaha. So the pax who help me to scan couldn't see baby's gender. So she wasn't so confirm about the gender but told us 70-80% might be a girl. haha.
Baby sleeping face down
Here's a photo of my tummy at 21 weeks.

Self portrait, not so nicely taken
Does it look big? I feel like I'm so fat all of a sudden. Like I suddenly balloon up. And the new clothes that I have bought all feel abit tight. Haiz. Going to waste money to buy bigger clothes again. So fast. And I still thought these new clothes can last me till I start my 3rd trimester. Who knows 5 month only already abit tight.

These few days I can feel baby move or kick or flip inside me. Think baby is doing somersault inside my tummy. Lol! The feel is much stronger today. haha. Don't is it coz I'm too hungry in the morning. Normally I only feel at night, but now I keep feeling it. hahaha.

My next gynae appointment is 11 Jun (5 weeks from now). Another 5 more weeks to see my baobei. hehe.

Friday, May 4, 2012


I've managed to get the photos from my iphone. Ta-da...

7 weeks (Just a small white dot and large water bag)
11 weeks (Can see the shape already!)
12 weeks (During oscar scan, zoom in version)
12 weeks (Head version with the 2 hands - so cute!)
15 weeks (Meditating in a super comfy position, don't want to let mummy see if it's a boy or gal)
Haha, after seeing all these photos, have you guess what's it all about? It's not me inside my mum's tummy.
Yes, that's right! It's me! I'm pregnant! hahaha.. And I'm now 20 weeks, going for my 5th month detail scan on 7 May (Mon). Hopefully baby won't cross leg and let me see if it's a boy or gal. haha.. I'll update next week and post the scan photos. hehe.

I've had my first leg cramp on 28 April. I was sleeping soundly on my left side when I tried to turn to sleep on my back. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain and the next moment I knew, I was shouting in pain. My husband jumped up in shock beside me and ask me what's wrong. I only said 'PAIN, PAIN'. And he was massaging my leg for me. Immediately, I felt so much better. But after that, I was crying. haha. so lame.I think the sharp pain is too much for me to bear. haha. The next day, I was experiencing muscle ache like I have ran 10km. So pain, and I was limping in the morning after I woke up. Terrible! Hopefully the next cramp won't come so fast. Lol!

Last night I realize my feet was swollen! OMG! So fast my feet swollen! Immediately, I took out my extra pillow and stack my leg on it. Luckily, in the morning my feet went back to it's almost original size. haha. So scary sia! Other pregnant woman only got swollen feet in their 3rd trimester. Me too fast.. I cannot take it! hahahaha.

I think I can feel my baby moving inside or kicking me. But I'm not sure if it's the baby moving or just my muscle contracting. Lol! Wait for a few more weeks to confirm. hahahaha...

That's all for now. Enjoy the super long post that was long over due! haha. Oh, by the way, my EDD is 16 September 2012. Same b'day as my husband. hahaha.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

KFC Double Zinger Down

Has anybody tried the KFC double zinger down? OMG! It's simply delicious! I've fallen in love with it! haha.
So shiok to eat 2 pieces of zinger meat with chilli sauce. *slurp* It makes me think of Macdonald's double mac spicy. hahaha!!! You should try it when you have the chance!

I wanted to post some interesting photos but my stupid iphone keep hanging. Guess I've to postpone the news! hahahaha!