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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Belated Birthday Post

I've been so lazy recently. Saved all the pictures in my computer but didn't blog about it. haha. After 3 weeks have past, I've decided to blog about my birthday celebration. hahaha.

My husband's family gave me a birthday surprise exactly at 12.00am on 26 May 2012. haha.They took out a cake and a flower from nowhere and started singing b'day song for me! I was so touched and happy!

B'day cake FIL got for me!
Beautiful sunflower from jie!
Happy me with the beautiful flower!
My dear got me a rose too! Love u lots! *muack*
The next day, I had already arranged for a BBQ birthday party with my besties! They reached my house around 6pm and we started to set up the fire for BBQ. Although the weather was hot that day but we had great fun and good food! We were too hungry and too focus on eating that I forgot to take photos of the BBQ food. Lol!

Yummy mango cake with compliments from Andrew & Nelly!
Group photo with cutie!
B'day angbao from Nelly, Wei and my aunties!
My colleagues treated me to a belated birthday lunch too. We ate at Beppu Ramen! Thanks Darrllyn, Jasmine, Li Li and Ming Heng!

Delicious ramen!

My cousin, Dawn treated me to delicious coffee club lunch too!

Me with the yummy mudpie!
What a yummy and fun birthday celebration I had this year! Last year of single birthday before I become a mum! hahaha! Thanks everyone for the well wishes and good food and hope you all had fun too!

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