Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Ling En Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Twinnies Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last day of 2011

So fast! It's already the last day of 2011. 15 more minutes to 2012!

It has been a really busy year for me this 2011. So many things happened. Busy working 2 Jobs and preparing for my wedding. I'm officially Mrs Teo! (like finally, after 12 long years of dating!) Lol!

I would like to thanks all family and friends who have helped me on my wedding day! It was really a memorable day in my life! Although that day flew really fast. Haha!

Ok, will update my blog as often as I can! My resolution for 2012! Haha.

Going to countdown now!

Happy 2012 everybody! *muack* Love u all!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Quick Blog

Decided not to blog about my wedding dresses. haha.. Wait for the official photoshoot photos then I upload. Just had my photoshoot on 8 July (Fri). Shag to the max man! Neckache, Backache, Shoulderache.. By the end of the day, I'm super duper tired, sweaty and smelly! Hopefully the photos turn out nice. Looking forward to choosing my photos on the 4th Aug. Yeah!

Here's some photos from my make-over. These are the fews that I really like..

I drag my dear along for the complimentary make-over! So glad I did! hehehe. The photos are superb!

 That's all for today! hahahaha..

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wow! It's already June!

So fast June already! And I said I'm going to blog often! LOL!!

Half a year never blog le.. So many things happening man! Guess I just had no time.. (As if, I'm just plain lazy.. ahahah.. =P)

I went to Hainan Island during CNY! What a different way of celebration they had! Fire crackers & fire works! So fun and scary at the same time. LOL!

Here's some pictures during my trip in Feb 2011.

Departing from Singapore - 16 Feb 2011

Dear dear posing!

Reach Hainan Island! In the mini-van to his hometown.

Went for lunch before going to the village. Famous Hainanese Chicken!
Looks nice from the outside, taste hard on the inside!

Delicious pork meat!

 Dear dear with the long long fire-cracker! So scary and loud when it went off!!

Fire-cracker outside the village house.

Me posing with the fire-cracker before it went off!

Never seen so many chickens hens in my life!!

The toilet that we used when we were staying in the village.

Going for 'dang leng'. A tradition lantern carrying festival in Hainan village.

This the bed we slept in while staying in the village.

Played mahjong with the villagers in our house in the village.


Cheap and delicious kway teow soup!

Me & dear posing at a bridge!

Saw 2 cutie in dear's grandma's village and took a pic with them. 
They were so camera shy until we walk off, then they start to smile & laugh so sweetly.. -.-'''

 See them laughing so happily.. -.-'''

Another lunch at grandma's village! Such a table full of food!
Imagine I ate that almost everyday when I was there!!

Camwhoring with dear! hahaha..

Me, myself and I posing on top of the volcano hill in Hainan Island! Super freaking cold sia!

Eating MacDonalds

Bought something back from Hainan Island! Bed bugs marks - Super duper itchy and ugly!
My leg.

 Dear dear's leg.

Well, all good things come to an end! I've enjoyed the trip except the bed bugs. -.-''' Ok, I'll post my wedding dresses in my next blog! hehehe..

Monday, January 10, 2011


Happy New Year! So fast, 2011 already!!

I wanted to blog on the last day of 2010.. Was blogging on my iphone while on my way to work and realised I can't post pictures using iphone.. -.-''' So end up I didn't managed to post the last blog of the year.. -.-'''
Anyway, here's what I have typed out on that fateful day.. haha..
 "Today is the last day of 2010 and I've got alot of things haven't blog yet. Lol. -.-"""  N I'm blogging in the bus now while holding on to the bus handle with my dear life coz nowadays bus driver drive like they're in F1 race. -.-"" Haha.. Ya, I know I'm late for work again. As usual. Lol.. Ok, some photos for the past week & this week." And this is the time I realised can't attached photos from my iphone.. Chey!

Anyway, I'll upload the photos now.. haha.. Enjoy ya..

 My office new coffee machine, Nespresso, our X'mas gift from our boss!

 So excited to open the package! haha..

 The expensive capsule

 Comes with a nice box to contain them!

Ta-dah! The new coffee machine! Too bad I don't drink coffee.. I just joined in the fun of opening and snapping photos.. hahahaha...

My X'mas lunch! Very shiok japanese rice with chicken and egg.. Boss treat! Yeah!

So nice I finished all! hahaha..

 Our dessert.. The strawberry one is nicer!

All gone!! Yummy!

 Went to my collegue's wedding dinner at Goodwood Park Hotel.. 
Camwhoring while waiting for another collegue.. XD

His baby gal.. Super duper chubby.. Feel like pinching her cheeks, but her parents around.. So I kept my hands to myself.. haha..

Only took pic of the ee-fu mee coz that's my favourite.. haha.. Super nice..

 Went to dear's fren's ROM lunch at Raffles Town Club.. Nothing to do, so we did some camwhoring.. haha..

& that's me with the bride, Shi Hui! Congrats to you & Adrian!

Looking forward to Chinese New Year now.. Less than 1 month & I haven't pack my room.. -.-''' Jia lat, my mum is so going to nag at me... haha.. I've started work at STC.. Looking forward to my first pay check soon... haha...