Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Ling En Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Twinnies Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekend Happenings

Went to my friend's Nelly birthday party last saturday (18 Dec). Her birthday is on 28 Dec, but coz I couldn't make it on 26 Dec due to a collegue's wedding, she changed the party to 18 Dec for me.. (*touched*, eyes blinking with tears swimming inside). We sang ktv, ate steamboat, played mahjong and ate chocolate fondue! hehe.. I didn't take pics of the food, but we had a group photo.

Everyone present that day except my dear coz he went to fetch his mum so he's not inside the pic.

 Ladies present that day.. haha..

We stayed till 11 plus 12 then off we went.. Zzzzz...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Late for work

I've been late for work for 3 days.. Though it's normal, but my boss has been earlier than me for these past 3 days.. I think sooner or later he will ask me in to 'la kopi'.. Jia lat.. Better siam him if I can.. haha..

Actually I have a blog in friendster, but long time no update.. So I thought I'll start one at blogspot where I can attached photos.. haha..

Here's some photos of some events that happen this few weeks..

Me & Dear after our Standard Chartered Run.. He ran 21km.. (Good for you dear!) I'm supposed to run 10km.. But end up after running 5km, I 'pong zek'.. wahaha.. Then I took a slow & leisure walk of another 5km.. haha.. Really slow and leisure lo.. All the other participants who are walking all walk faster than me leh.. haha..

Me & Dear having andersons ice-cream fondue.. Mmmm.. So nice & shiok!!

Ice-cream fondue taken from the front.

Ice-cream fondue taken from the top.

Me & Dear on our way to Genting Highlands.. hehe.. Fun Trip!

Ok, post more photos next time.. haha.. So fun to post photos.. Think I'll blog more often.. haha..

Monday, December 13, 2010

First Post!

I just created my own blog on blog spot! Abit slow when ppl all around me blog till don't want to blog.. haha..
Actually I have another blog at friendster.. But as usual, 1 year blog one time.. haha.. Hopefully I will continue to blog here as often as I can..=P

2010 has been an up & down year for me, especially the later part of the year.. So many things happen that I can't catch my breath.. All come at 1 go.. Heard things that I don't want to hear or even don't dare to believe that ppl will say about me.. Make me disappointed and sad that I treat them as the closest ppl around me and they do this to me.. Those were the hardest days of this year.. Can't stop thinking about it.. Anyway, everything already past.. Hopefully next year will be a better year for me..

Just came back from Genting Highlands with my bf and his family.. Keep eating and gambling.. Haha.. Think becoming gambling addict.. wahaha.. But never win leh.. Lost.. Shit.. Lol..

This year I went to Phuket in September, Macau, Shenzhen & Zhuhai in October.. Shenzhen is really a good place to shop till you drop! Bought so many things that we don't dare to buy anything in Zhuhai, scare our luggage already overweight.. haha.. Heng in the end, it's just nice.. So lame of us.. haha.. But the shopping trip is really goooood man! haha.. I will definately go back to Shenzhen & shop till I drop again..

I just ran my 1st 10km run on 5 Dec 2010 (Standard Chartered Run). After 5km, then I no strength liao.. Walk the rest of the 5km.. haha.. Timing is 1:39:48.. haha..

2010 is ending soon & 2011 is coming.. Hope 2011 will be a better year ahead for me.. My wedding date is fixed on the 27th of November 2011.. Looking forward to taking my wedding photos in May 2011.. Must try to slim down asap.. But hor I still eat & eat & eat.. haha.. Jia lat.. Any fast method to slim down? haha..