Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Ling En Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Twinnies Birthday

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm back!

I'm back to blog again! Have been so lazy recently. haha.. Until my good friend ask me to blog. *wink*

Have been to 3 birthday parties this month!! Two 1 year old and one 25 years old birthday celebration. haha. I've taken some photos, tada..

My dear brother's 25th B'day BBQ Party!
Siying's 1st B'day Party!
Lucas 1st B'day Party!
So exciting right! And my wallet got a big hole now! hahaha.. That's all for today! hehe..

Friday, March 2, 2012

Downloaded blogger app on my iPhone!

I've just downloaded the Blogger's app for iPhone! I'll juz try blogging and posting photos. Hehe.

This my new look for 2012! I just cut my hair. Haha.


Hi, I'm back. haha. As usual, my resolution didn't sustain for long. I mean it didn't really happened at all. haha.
I was too tired and lazy to update anything at all. Anyway, it has been a busy Jan and Feb for me. haha.

This is my first year to give ang bao. Wow! Really bao alot of money! haha. Heng, still got to take some back as they say first year still have ang bao to take. So happy! But for those aunties who skip me, I really experience a sense of disappointment and sadness that I have no more ang bao to take le. *emo* haha.

I was sick for 2 weeks in Feb! so xin ku and ke lian. slim down alot too! even look slimmer than my wedding! -.-''' so lame.

oh ya, I haven't post pics on my wedding photoshoots. haha. so here goes.

Wedding gown!
Night gown
Traditional costumes!
At the stairs
Proposing all over again!
Old buildings behind Chinatown
At Hort Park
Night scene by the river
 That's all for today! hahaa..