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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wow! It's already June!

So fast June already! And I said I'm going to blog often! LOL!!

Half a year never blog le.. So many things happening man! Guess I just had no time.. (As if, I'm just plain lazy.. ahahah.. =P)

I went to Hainan Island during CNY! What a different way of celebration they had! Fire crackers & fire works! So fun and scary at the same time. LOL!

Here's some pictures during my trip in Feb 2011.

Departing from Singapore - 16 Feb 2011

Dear dear posing!

Reach Hainan Island! In the mini-van to his hometown.

Went for lunch before going to the village. Famous Hainanese Chicken!
Looks nice from the outside, taste hard on the inside!

Delicious pork meat!

 Dear dear with the long long fire-cracker! So scary and loud when it went off!!

Fire-cracker outside the village house.

Me posing with the fire-cracker before it went off!

Never seen so many chickens hens in my life!!

The toilet that we used when we were staying in the village.

Going for 'dang leng'. A tradition lantern carrying festival in Hainan village.

This the bed we slept in while staying in the village.

Played mahjong with the villagers in our house in the village.


Cheap and delicious kway teow soup!

Me & dear posing at a bridge!

Saw 2 cutie in dear's grandma's village and took a pic with them. 
They were so camera shy until we walk off, then they start to smile & laugh so sweetly.. -.-'''

 See them laughing so happily.. -.-'''

Another lunch at grandma's village! Such a table full of food!
Imagine I ate that almost everyday when I was there!!

Camwhoring with dear! hahaha..

Me, myself and I posing on top of the volcano hill in Hainan Island! Super freaking cold sia!

Eating MacDonalds

Bought something back from Hainan Island! Bed bugs marks - Super duper itchy and ugly!
My leg.

 Dear dear's leg.

Well, all good things come to an end! I've enjoyed the trip except the bed bugs. -.-''' Ok, I'll post my wedding dresses in my next blog! hehehe..